

2022 - Album

  1. episodic

  2. am i alive? hello.

  3. alone. until i am not

  4. memories of yesterday

  5. this is my song called “i love life”

  6. i think we are living in a simulation!

  7. every thing is falling apart around you

  8. the beetle meets its creator.

  9. periodic.

peanut butter &

the exotic cowboy

2022 - EP

Made in collaboration with the “Exotic Cowboy”

  1. It was trying to say “Hello”

  1. My dead grandma gave me this guitar (and I still cant play it)

  2. I died in her backyard

  3. When I was a kid I liked to dream

a breath in: and out

2023 - Single

  1. a breath in: and out.

Hands up…?

2023 - Live Single

Made in collaboration with the “Dynamic Vegetation Motivator”

& “Taiyo Nishihara”

  1. Hands up…?

pee-bee is alive

2023 - Live Single

Made in collaboration with the “Dynamic Vegetation Motivator”